The Coach's Profile
My name is Henry Arthur and I am a Level 3 head coach. I work with players of all standards and ages but I specialise in working with players who are new to the sport, especially children.
How did I get involved in coaching?
I have played various sports for most of my life, with table tennis, football, cricket, tennis and athletics all featuring highly during my teenage years. As I got older and had to start working, I had to call time on some of these actvities and so football and table tennis became my main sports.
In December 2008, I suffered a serious, life-threatening crushing accident at work which left me hospitalised for weeks and unable to take part in any kind of physical activity for well over a year. As I started to rehabiliate, I began assisting the head coach at Corby Town Table Tennis Club and found that I really enjoyed passing on my knowledge to a new generation of players and (much to my surprise), I really enjoyed working with children.
I decided that I would have a complete career change and become a sports coach. I now have various sports qualifications which allow me to coach a range of sports but my passion is for table tennis and this is where I specialise.
Coaching C.V.
Head coach at Corby Town Table Tennis Club.
Head coach at Smash Table Tennis Kettering.
Coach at Smash Table Tennis Corby.
Northants Table Tennis Association Coaching Officer.
Northants County Junior and Cadet coach.
I have previously worked within the Corby Borough Council's Sports Development team and with the Premier Education Group.
Voted as Coach of the Year at the 2014 Ceremony and Community Activator of the Year in 2019 at the Corby Sports Awards.
I am also a Level 1 qualified umpire, as well as being a qualified tournament organiser. I am currently working towards achieving the level 3 award in Tutoring and Assessing in Sport which enable me train new coaches in the sport.

2014 Corby Sports Awards Coach of the Year Winner